Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life in the Valley

A crucifix that is hung up in the church San Martin de Porres in Alton.
The Granados family enjoying a botana at Juanchos in McAllen.
A deer head put up to dry after that days hunting in La Joya.
A cat meowing in Mission.
Jasmine Granados setting her face on the table at Delia's Tamales in Mission.
Ricardo Rosales whipping out his lasso in La Joya.
Peter Chivington petting the dogs at his grandpa's ranch in La Joya.
 Jasmine Granados feeding her dad, Juan Granados Jr, some cake on his birthday.
Statue of two angles at a alter to the Virgin Mary in Mission.
Statue of the Virgin Mary in Mission.
Two cockatoos.
A rose blooming in the sunshine in Mission.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Looking Closely at Photographs


1. What feeling does this photograph create in you, the viewer?
It makes me laugh inside.
2. What story do you think this photograph tells the viewer? Does it capture something that would be hard to convey in words?
Capturing the very scary situation in which these people are in.
3.  Who or what is the subject of this photograph?
The three men in the army uniform.
4. Is the lighting natural or artificial? What time of day is it?
The lighting is natural and its like early morning.
5. What colors stand out?  
The red shirt  and pink shorts to the first man is wearing.
6. What part or parts are out of focus, if any?
The landscape is in the background are out of focus.
7. What is the distance between the subject and the camera/viewer? What is the effect of this?
He is close and makes a very effect of closeness.
8. How is the picture composed? Is the subject centered? Is the "rule of thirds" followed?
It is well composed and follows the rule of thirds.
9. How personal/impersonal is this photo? What elements make it this way?
It is personal.  The boxers make it personal.
10. What strikes you most about the photo? Why do you think that is?
The guy in his boxers strikes me the most because it shows his personality.
11. What is the background for this image?
Its the area in which they are shooting in the mountains.
12. Why do you think this photograph was taken?
To tell the story of what is happening their.
13. Does this qualify as photojournalism? As commercial, casual or art photography, or some other category? Why?
Yes, casual because it tells a story of what is happening.
14. Is the photo timely? Does it have a timeless quality? Both? Might it become iconic? Why or why not?
I think its both and can be iconic because it marks a time in history.
15. What else do you notice about the photograph?
It is very interesting.